Monday, 14 April 2008

Bizarro World

Remember the old Superman comics when he went into a parallel universe? That's how I feel reading the new rash of posts on various sites saying perhaps we have to settle with Hicks. None of them actually makes a case for Hicks. What they do is show how Parry Moores and Gillett are the real villains and DIC? Well what do we know about them? They might borrow they might not keep Rafa, the sheikh might not be a real fan etc. Its like because they have not given assurances on these matters they must be planning the worst. Weird logic or what?

It's an altered reality. In this “reality” to blow the whistle is more heinous than the lies and wrongdoing being exposed. Where David Moores and Rick Parry after months of dignified silence finally speak. Moores in exasperation at the circus he sees playing itself out daily and Parry in the face of appalling public humiliation yet on some sites their deciding to hit back in kind is ridiculed and condemned as hypocrisy over the “Liverpool Way”.  

Even today from the Echo we get more reinvention of history. Remember the “Gillett is the bigger villain campaign” by the Hicks crew, weren’t we assured that the Klinsmann business was down to Gillett already knowing him and that Tom was just along for the ride? Now we find that Hicks was the one to hold the in depth one-on-one session with Klinsmann at his home and further that he has been seeking Klinsmanns’ input on LFC team issues since. Yet on the blogs the emphasis is on who let the cat out of the bag and why would they do that? Not on the lies and backstabbing nature of the “lesser of two evils”. And all this is a way of doing business that we must resign ourselves to? Why? because a case is made to prove the others are Hitler we should settle for Mussolini because he makes the trains run on time? As I said an altered reality!

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