Friday 18 April 2008

Will we get the Owners we Deserve?

Someone once said that, in general, people get the governments they deserve. Populations under tyranny are usually acquiescent until maybe a low ranking military officer or professional assassin gets the job done with a bullet, bomb or coup d'etat. It is very rare for the mass of people under the jackboot to do something about their plight. The Philippines and the ouster of Ferdinand Marcos is the only exception I can remember.

Democracy is well established in the UK but it still seems to me that apathy rises to a height when it is time to vote whilst public concern and anti-government feeling rises to a peak right in the middle of a term of office. hence we get turnouts of less than 60%. So 40% cannot be bothered to get off their arses to vote but you can bet they are the most vocal in their complaints.

What's my point? Well in the last few weeks Hicks and Gillett have dragged the club through the mud with their public points scoring and, given the time of year, crucial part of the season - Hillsborough Anniversary etc, you might have expected this to rebound on them bigtime. I am a nutter for all things LFC and try to keep up with what is being said on all the various blogs and sites but all I detect is a rise in the number of fans who just want this mess to go away but don't want to support more active fans trying to get something done about it.

The messages are various; from "stop all this its making my brain hurt" down to "Hicks makes sense let's give him a couple of years then if he fails to keep his promises we will get him out" They all add up to appeasement. the parallels I drew above are uncanny. Like Neville Chamberlain with his "I've got a piece of paper signed by Mr Hitler so we will be fine" and "What do we know of Czechoslovakia? It is a far away country of which we know little". The same messages are coming about Hicks and DIC. Lets stay with Hicks because we have no guarantees about DIC? My head hurts when I read stuff like that!

So are we going to bend over and let Hicks and co. continue to royally roger us or are we made of better stuff and we will continue to try and get some degree of control and dignity back for the club. I hope so. There are positve signs, reasons for optimism if you like, One fan who started a petition calling for Hicks to go got a personal phone call so it shows the Texan is affected by what activists do. The fans's hatred is a factor or why would he bother trying to affect it, also Gillett maintains his 'I will not sell to Hicks" stance and DIC have not gone away.

This is an appeal to all those who wish we had a change of regime but have not made their opposition known. Get on a forum or write to the Echo, sign the petition do something. As we reach the endgame of this terrible episode for the club an extra push right now could tip the balance.

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